To our outstanding and remarkable members who have chosen to dedicate their energies to helping our organization, today and always, we thank you so much.
– Indian Cultural Society of East Brunswick

Donation Drive
ICS is collecting items for our local food pantry- May 18, 21 and 23rd. Please mark your bags with an ICS sticker when you drop off your items!
Your contribution means a lot!🙏🏼
For questions and to enquire about volunteer opportunities at Aldersgate food pantry, please contact our ICS committee member at (732) 841-8080.
Mumbai COVID-19
This campaign is being done by Rotary District 3141, Rotary District 3141 and Inner Wheel 314 which have identified the need for Oxygen concentrators in Mumbai.
Kolkata Foundation
Kolkata Foundation – COVID Second Wave Donation Drive FAQ
Facebook fundraiser page:
Website link to donate